Addo, located in the Eastern Cape, is primarily known for the Addo Elephant Park, which hosts a diverse range of wildlife of which the 350 elephants is the main attraction.
The Addo area is characterised by sprawling, fertile grasslands, which is the reason for the plethora of farms that are available in the area.
There are farms for sale Eastern Cape for which the words "Prime real estate" would simply not do justice.
One of the farms that are available for purchase is a 6000 hectare game farm that includes South Africa's "Big Five" as well as 30 other species of game.
There is an abundance of property for sale in the area that are large enough to be used as self-catering guest house.
Property in Addo is generally characterised by farms that have the potential to provide a lucrative return on investment.
Therefore no matter what your preference, Addo provides a diverse range of properties in an area brimming with adventure.
Source: Property in Addo, Eastern Cape -